
Yankees, World Champs: What Is Going Through My Mind Right Now

November 5, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

The Yankees are once again World Series Champions. Here is what I’m thinking right now: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, but there are other things too.

There’s the obvious things: the first win in the new Stadium, A-Rod winning for the first time, and Matsui being the first DH (and Japanese player) to win the World Series MVP. Oh, and the over-discussed comments about Joe Girardi changing to number 28. (For the record, I bet he will.)

There’s also the money discussion. The Yankees spending has finally paid off. CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, and Mark Teixeira all had their moments along the way. And the future spending is discussed as well: Matsui and Damon are free agents, and both played extremely well this series.

And let’s not forget beating Pedro.

But there are other things too. Things that escape some people’s minds, but things that don’t escape mine.

First of all—poor Mike Mussina. Dude always came THIS close, but never won anything. He came to the Yankees after they won in 2000, and retired before this season. Talk about bad karma.

When building the new Stadium, a Red Sox fan planted a David Ortiz jersey in the concrete, attempting to “curse” the new building. That didn’t work out, did it?

Leigh Teixeira was a decision maker this offseason. Mark was debating where to sign, and his wife told him to go to the Yankees. Good choice, Leigh.

And speaking of the future, what will become of Andy Pettitte? He’s getting up there in age and has already contemplated retirement. What better way to go out—as winning pitcher of the final game of the World Series.

The post-game interviews were so awkward. All the Yankees people were so mush-mouthed. I can’t say I blame them. Oh, and Matsui had no idea what Bud Selig said to him.

Anyway, the fact remains: the Yankees are World Series Champions. Parade on Friday!

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