Yankees Trip To White House: Obama Loses Touch With Reality
April 26, 2010 · Leslie Monteiro · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
President Barack Obama honored the Yankees this afternoon for their achievement last year. The Yankees won the World Series by making the Twins, Angels, and the Phillies look out of their league.
In other words, it was a mismatch. These three teams were powerless to stop the Yankees. It’s hard to believe this year will be any different.
Obama spewed cliches about heroics and character when talking about the year the Yankees had. Is he kidding?
For one thing, heroics should not be associated when it comes to baseball players. It’s not a big deal for great players to go hit a baseball, throw a strikeout, or catch a ball.
Heroics should be known only for nurses, doctors, firefighers, soldiers, and cops. Those people work a lot harder than baseball players. It’s hard to call athletes heroes for not putting much effort at what they do.
Our commander-in-chief talked about character. There is nothing more annoying than someone spew out character and chemistry when it comes to sports.
Two annoying cliches from coaches and players.
As a sportswriter covering high school sports, he hears this all the time. It drives him nuts.
Talent wins games, not character and chemistry. With the Yankees, they should be having talent with the money they make every year. They used that money to buy those players.
It’s been that way since baseball was invented. It’s not going to change, unless there is a salary cap. Unless owners say enough is enough, the Yankees will continue to get away with this.
What we learned over the years is the more money a baseball team has, their chances of winning a championship and going to the White House will be good.
Look at the last few championship teams. Most baseball teams spend money to get what they want.
The last small-market team that won a championship was in 2003. That was the Marlins pulling off an upset for the ages by denying the Yankees a World Series championship.
It was one of the best stories in sports. It’s something to remember when one realizes the Marlins won with a minuscule payroll not to mention they won the championship at Yankee Stadium.
It’s a distant memory now. It’s hard to replicate this. It’s no different than college basketball and college football where named schools win championships.
Growing up, it was fun to see the small-market teams win championships back then. In fact, there was no such thing as small-market teams. It was a baseball team.
Now, baseball has become a business. Now, we differentiate teams by saying small-market and big-market. We talked about money with baseball.
In other sports, no one says that. That’s why the NFL replaced baseball as the country’s most popular sport.
It makes one wonder why other teams should exist. Maybe it’s time for a league where there should be a haves or have nots? It’s the only way this sport can be watchable.
It’s funny Obama talks about a playoff system in college football, yet he can’t be compelled to talk about the disparity in baseball. But then again, no one should be surprised.
One wonders if he is even a baseball fan. He didn’t get the name of the White Sox stadium correct last year, and he forget several names of baseball players.
Even better, he claimed he watched C.C. Sabathia’s no-hitter in the first weekend of this new season. That never happened.
Finally, the president raved about the Yankees donating their money to charity. C’mon.
The Bible talks about how no one should make a big deal about how much amount a person gives. Why should the Yankees be commended for being generous?
Millionaires should not be commended for being a philanthropist.
Then, he talked about Yankees fans suffering for nine years. Let’s hope this was in jest.
Even if it was, it was stupid of him to say.
It’s an insult to the fans of small-market teams. Those fans will never experience seeing their team win a championship in their lifetime.
Not now, with the way this sport is operated.
Based on his speech today, it’s probably no wonder why he is over his head as the leader of our country.
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