
Yankees Pitching Woes Continue: Where Will the Help Come From?

July 17, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Pitching wins championships, or at least that is the saying.  If this is the case, then the Yankees better start looking for some more help in that department.

While CC, Pettitte, and Hughes are having great seasons thus far, that can’t be said for the rest of the staff.

When it comes to the bullpen, the only reliable pitcher has been Mr. Reliable himself, Mariano Rivera.  After him the bullpen is a crap shoot.

Today was just another example of how badly they need help in their bullpen. 

The inconsistently consistent Burnett took the mound against the Rays.  He only lasted two innings as he gave up four runs and had to leave due to lacerations on his pitching hand.

Then in came Dustin Moseley, who was recently called up from the minors.  He was shaky for the three innings he pitched.  He gave up four runs on 75 pitches through three innings.  You would think that 75 pitches would at least give you five or even four innings of work but not in this case.

Gaudin came in after him and ended up finishing the game with four innings pitched and only giving up two runs.  He came into the game sporting a hefty 6.75 ERA in 34.2 innings of work.

Joba, who is suppose to be the bridge to Rivera just hasn’t been cutting it.  No other pitcher in the bullpen has thrown in as many games or innings as Joba.  Yet, they have all struggled equally or worse than him.

The bullpen looks a little something like this:

Mariano Rivera (3-1, 35 GP, 20 Saves, 1.02 ERA)

*Sergio Mitre (0-1, 12 GP, 2.88 ERA)

*Alfredo Aceves (3-0, 10 GP, 3.00 ERA)

Boone Logan (17 GP, 3.93 ERA)

Damaso Marte (30 GP, 4.08 ERA)

David Robertson (1-3, 32 GP, 5.28 ERA)

Joba Chamberlain (1-4, 39 GP, 5.79 ERA)

Chan Ho Park (1-1, 21 GP, 6.18 ERA)

Chad Gaudin (0-3, 23 GP, 6.52 ERA)

Dustin Moseley (3 GP, 7.50 ERA)

*Currently on the DL

Do you think the Yankees need some help in the bullpen after looking at those stats?

The obvious answer is yes, they need some serious help and fast.  There is no guarantee that CC, Pettitte, and Hughes are going to have as good of a second half as they did in the first. 

They desperately need Mitre and Aceves back soon and healthy, as they are by far the next best thing to Rivera in that bullpen.

So where does the help come from?  Who do they go after before the trade deadline?

Some have mentioned George Sherrill, Scott Downs, Kevin Gregg, Jason Frasor, Octavio Dotel and highly coveted Joakim Soria.  Soria would be the likely candidate, considering they have sought him out to possibly be the replacement for Rivera when he retires.  Just how much would it cost for them to acquire him in a trade?

Regardless, they need to make something happen and do it quickly.  You can’t bet on your starters to give you seven innings every game.  Then to only turn it over to a bullpen that has struggled to hold the lead.

Pitching may win championships, but if the Yankees want a chance of winning their 28th World Series Championship, they might want to start making some moves in their bullpen.

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