
Women’s Week at BallHyped: Lady Loves Pinstripes Featured Site With Q&A

November 24, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

It is always nice to get recognized for something you put your heart into, so I was thrilled when Ballhyped.com wanted to feature Lady Loves Pinstripes as a favorite female sports site during Women’s Week. It is an honor for women to be getting acknowledged in the sports world. I want to thank Ballhyped for hosting a week to honor women, as it is a step in the right direction for us ladies.

What is Women’s Week at Ballhyped?

This week is Women’s Week at BallHyped, and we’re reaching out to some of our favorite female bloggers to get their take on the state of the blogosphere, tips on creating a successful blog, how their sites are doing and where they see this blogginess going one, two, five years from now. –Ballhype.com

Click this link to read Lady Loves Pinstripes featured Q&A and please feel free to comment.

I also want to thank anyone who has ever read Lady Loves Pinstripes or just clicked to take a look. I truly appreciate it and hope my site lives up to your expectations.

About Ballhyped.com:

Ballhyped.com is a community for sports fans by sports fans, highlighting the best sports news, commentary and blogs from around the sports world and blogosphere.

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