
The Top 10 First Basemen in Baseball’s Hall of Fame

June 3, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

I believe choosing the best first baseman in the Hall of Fame is probably the toughest one of all. I mean, look at who you have to choose between: Anson, Foxx, Gehrig, Greenberg, Mize, Sisler, Killebrew, Brouthers….on and on we could go.

Some had extreme power with little left to offer (Killebrew). Some had some of the best hitting statistics, without power (Sisler), while some did it all well (Foxx).

Keep in mind; I am not using awards such as MVP, GGA and SSA since they were not available to all generations.

As always there will be disappointments, disagreements and outrage by the readers of this article. I can hear you already, Modern Boy, “Why do you have guys in there before 1950? You know the game wasn’t as good back then.” I can hear you as well, MR. SABR, “You can’t compare modern day players to dead-ball guys, you have to adjust for climate control, night games, artificial turf, retractable roofs, how many times the guy grounded out to kill a rally, etc.” You too, Mr. Racist, “You can’t bring guys into this discussion who played prior to 1947, after all that was the age of social reprieve. How many black guys did he face? How many Latinos? etc.”

So you see, I have already heard it all, and yet I continue.

For those of you who don’t like the pre-1900 guys, yet think Cy Young was the best thing ever, I say you are leading a double life. If you take Cy’s 1800s games from him, you leave him in 58th place all time in wins with 244. Walter Johnson looks good all of a sudden doesn’t he?

I am digressing all over the place. Let’s get the slide show on the road!

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