
The New Yorker’s April Cover Tools on the Yankees and Their Old, Injured Roster

April 1, 2013   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

The New Yorker has taken time out of its busy schedule of writing in-depth economic and political editorials and has set aside space for some visual commentary on the Yankees injury-riddled 2013 roster.

The picture that will run on the cover of the publication’s April 2013 edition is the artwork of Mark Ulriksen, a New York painter with a passion for major league baseball.

Titled “Hitting Forty,” the painting is an obvious play on the Yankees’ roster of aging stars.

“I’m not a Yankees fan per se, but I’m a New Yorker at heart,” Ulriksen told The New Yorker. “And I can say the Yankees are sure old and beat up.”

Ulriksen said he added up the ages of all the players pictured in this photo and found that their average is 40.

It’s not a unique observation—between Derek Jeter’s sore ankle, Alex Rodriguez’s hip surgery, Mark Teixeira’s strained wrist and Curtis Granderson’s broken arm—the Yankees are indeed a battered, bruised squad of senior citizens in MLB. Heck, even Yankees general manager Brian Cashman is walking in a boot these days.

The painting might stir the pot a bit with Yankees fans, but “Hitting Forty” probably won’t be the most controversial of Ulriksen’s baseball-related paintings published in The New Yorker in April.  

Two words: George Steinbrenner

On Twitter, painting with all the colors of the wind: Dr__Carson

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