
Swisher Makes Fun-Loving Yankees Lovable

July 27, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Everyone has heard the saying before. You either love the Yankees or you hate them.

Every year I find myself rooting for the Indians until they are eliminated and then the only other thing I worry about is that the Yankees do not win.

Something strange has been happening this year. The Yankees are becoming a team I can’t really dislike because I love the passion and enthusiasm they are playing with.

It seems to have all started with the trade for Nick Swisher and the signing of CC Sabathia. Swisher seems to keep the clubhouse loose and remind everyone playing baseball for a living is a fun thing.

Unlike other years it seems the Yankees enjoy coming to the ballpark daily and do not consider what they do work.

In previous years it was all about the A-Rod drama, no facial hair, all business, championship or bust teams that have been struggling. It seemed like it was starting to take a toll on some of the Yankees and you wondered if they would win in the Jeter era.

In came Swisher and his sudden jolt of life and the Yankees seem to have a legitimate title shot this year. Every walk-off hit (and there have been many) are becoming parties on the field.

The reason this team is playing so loose can obviously be attributed to winning, but I definitely think Swisher deserves some credit.

This year’s Yankees remind me of, dare I say, the 2004 Boston Red Sox who were known as the idiots. 

The legacy of this team will not be decided until October, but a huge difference this year is I may actually be rooting for them.

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