Roger Clemens Acted on Principle at Yankee Stadium and Defended Yankees Fans
January 28, 2012 · Harold Friend · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
Roger Clemens doesn’t back down. A man of principle, he fights for his rights.
Monday, Oct. 25, 1999 was a World Series travel day for the New York Yankees and Atlanta Braves.
After one of his legendary workouts, Clemens was involved in an altercation with a “gentleman” in the Yankee Stadium parking lot.
Clemens was signing autographs for fans. Magnanimous Roger, despite the fact that Steiner Sports now offers a signed Clemens baseball for about $400, was more than happy to accommodate some of his fans.
After autographing more than one dozen items, Clemens started to leave when he heard an individual ordering him to continue signing. Clemens later said that the man hadn’t asked for his autograph and that he thought the man was simply being unruly.
”If you stand out there, you could probably see it happen 10 times a day, but I wouldn’t consider him a fan,” said Clemens. ”I don’t think he’s a Yankee fan. I was signing autographs and the guy was very violent. I think he spit.”
Clemens accused the individual of making an obscene gesture.
When he arrived at his car, the “fan” continued the verbal abuse. Clemens had had enough. He got out of his car and confronted the man. A witness said that he was as big as Clemens.
Standing nose to nose, Clemens pushed the man away.
”There was no need for it, basically,” Clemens said. ”I told him to back up from the car, and if he comes any closer, I’d consider it a threat. I pushed him away, but don’t write that he was a fan because he wasn’t a fan. Not using that kind of language and those types of threats.”
Not only did Clemens successfully defend himself. He pointed out to the media that the individual couldn’t have been a fan because fans don’t use “…that kind of language and those types of threats.”
The Clemens incident recalls a similar situation involving another New York pitching great.
The Yankees blasted Brooklyn Dodgers’ 27-game winner Don Newcombe in the second game of the 1956 World Series. A distraught Newcombe left Ebbets Field after his shower.
As he was going to his car, a parking lot attendant made a reference to Newk’s early departure. According to the attendant, Newk hauled off and hit him after he said, “What’s the matter? Things getting too tough for you?”
The parking lot attendant filed a $25,000 suit against Newcombe which was eventually dismissed.
Roger Clemens acted properly when he shoved the fan that threatened him.
He is standing up for his beliefs as he fights the felony counts involving perjury, false statements and obstruction of Congress.
Those in authority demand that those accused of violating their rules show remorse. It upsets most Americans that Clemens is not remorseful.
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