Remembering Yankee Stadium: Photos from the Big Ballpark in the Bronx
September 16, 2011 · Jon Plasse · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
I have been a lifelong Yankee fan, attending my first games at the original Yankee Stadium in the late 1950s.
Those were precious times for me, a nine- or 10-year-old kid, accompanied by my dad, to the stadium. My father seemed to be working all the time, so to have a day off just with him was a very special occasion. And the experience of the stadium itself was overwhelming to me: I had never encountered such huge crowds, loud noise or excitement.
Seeing the stadium for that first time—it was awesome.
It had the facades, the stands filled with noisy fans, and the monuments out in center field.
You could just feel the presence of all the great Yankee players of the past; it could bring a tear to your eye, or make your heart skip a beat.
It was gorgeous—just a palace of baseball.
The following images are from my book, The Stadium, as an effort to recreate those youthful experiences. The images portray what I remember seeing at the stadium as a 10-year-old with my dad. Interspersed among these images are the recollections of individuals whose lives were intimately connected to the ballpark: an umpire, usher, vendor, souvenir salesman and a fan.
Together, the photographs and text combine to invoke a joyful and memorable time when my dad and I, joined by tens of thousands of other fans, spent a joyful afternoon or evening together, watching our local heroes.