
Peter Abraham Leaving Journal News for Boston Globe

September 18, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

According to the Journal News, the Blog Father Peter Abraham is leaving the Journal News as he is jumping ship and will cover and blog about the Red Sox for the Boston Globe next season making him the anti-Johnny Damon. Red Sox fans are getting a damn good journalist. Hopefully they appreciate him, I’m sure they will.

He will be missed.

I’m leaving The Journal News after nearly 10 years and going to work for The Boston Globe.

I’ll be covering baseball—yes, the Red Sox—and blogging for Boston.com. The Globe approached me in August, right around the time my newspaper was going through some painful restructuring that you all heard about.

But that was incidental. For many years now, my life has been my job. I covered the UConn basketball team for 13 seasons for The Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin and then the Mets and Yankees for the The Journal News. It was tremendous fun to work for a small paper and then to move up a step on the chain.

Now I get a chance to move up again and live closer to my family. I’m the oldest child in my family and my mom and dad are retired. It means a lot to me to be around them and other members of my family. For years, they’ve been imploring me to come home and now seems like a good time.

But it wasn’t an easy call. I have literally not slept for 48 hours pondering this decision. The Journal News has treated me better than I had any right to expect and tried very hard to convince me to stay. I also really, really love covering the Yankees. It has been the highlight of my professional career. I’m close friends with several other beat writers, too. We try to beat each other’s brains out in the paper, but it always has been with a sense of camaraderie and great respect.

I’m not sure who is going to take Peter Abraham’s place as the must read Yankees blog. My guess is it will come down to Bryan Hoch of MLB.com or Joel Sherman of the NY Post, but we all know that nobody will actually be able to fill his shoes.

From his constant updates, witty headlines, terrible pictures, and often lame jokes, Abraham has been head and shoulders above about 200+ other Yankee blogs and was the first mainstream reporter in New York to start a blog.

Thanks for all the good times Pete.

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