
New York Yankees vs. Toronto Blue Jays Running Blog: 35 Thoughts from Sec. 215

May 24, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

My luck hasn’t been too great this year at the Stadium; I’ve been to five or six ballgames so far in 2011, and I’m not sure if the Yankees have won once. If they did, it sure wasn’t very memorable. 

Tonight started with an absolutely excellent omen, as my father and I found parking on the street for just about the first time since ever. Too bad that was the highlight of the night…

I planned to tweet during the game with any thoughts that came to mind, but the slow/boring/eventually-blowout nature of the game caused me to turn to my tweets and my love for sarcasm for entertainment.

In chronological order, 38 thoughts from the Guy on the Soap Box as he watched from Section 215, as the Yanks fell to the Jays, 7-3.

For more of the same, follow @SoapBxSprtsByte or visit SoapBoxSportsByte.


6:17 PM

Heading to the stadium in a bit for #Yankees/#Bluejays…will be tweeting in real time with thoughts…stay tuned.


7:10 PM

Breaking: Bud Selig orders daily steroid tests for #BlueJays RF Jose Bautista.


7:12 PM

A very gray, but strangely comfortable night at the stadium…here’s to hoping the rain holds off…


7:14 PM

…or not, considering how Colon looks early on. 


7:22 PM

Carlos Villanueva Ks the side in the first…Kevin Garnett just clarified for the media that Villanueva is NOT a cancer patient…That’s long lost cousin Charlie. 


7:28 PM

Where’s the heckler from Happy Gilmore on that Encarnacion K? “The bat went farther than the ball!!” 


7:41 PM

For the first time since 1974, someone just lost a trivia question on the jumbotron between innings. Somewhere, the person who wrote the question just had a massive fist pump. 


7:49 PM

Jose Bautista’s 41-HR increase from ’09 to ’10 is the biggest jump in production since Henry Roengardener’s ROY days with the Cubbies. 


7:50 PM

Very loud drunk guy sitting behind me reminds of old stadium, hearing loss. 


7:54 PM

Villaneuva just threw a 60 MPH curve…I might be able to hit that. 


8:05 PM

Drunk guy behind me continues to yell extremely loud innane comments because his GF is laughing at his idiocy. Might be a long three hours.


8:07 PM

Drunk guy: “Fucking get to that one Gardner!” (the ball landed in the ninth row…) 


8:12 PM

“Great NY Subway Race” has lost its luster since they got rid of Sterling…I say they bring him back and add Waldman… 


8:13 PM

Suzyn: “GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Of all the incredible things, The D Train…The Dunkin’ Donuts D Train, JAWWWN!!” 


8:21 PM

Cano’s swing looks to be coming around…nice cut there on the sac fly and a nice rip single last night…Tied at one. 


8:31 PM

Some guy proposed on the jumbotron by saying “I will alwayyyyyzzz love you…” The spelling should be more than enough for her to say no. 


8:40 PM

That was Jeter’s best swing in 14 months…got caught up in the humid air. Ball isn’t carrying tonight…But that didn’t stop Mutant Bautista… 


8:51 PM

Girardi loading the bases was questionable (not a second guess…said it at the time); came back to bite him in the proverbial ass BIG time with second walk, double. 


8:53 PM

It’s getting late, early as they say…6-1 Jays… 


8:54 PM

Prob the hardest Colon has been hit this year…Is the stem cell-infused honeymoon over? 


8:57 PM

More evidence against state against billion-dollar stadiums every time im here: RF bleachers are about 95 percent full…rest of stadium around 50 percent capacity. 


9:00 PM

Bartolo like a cat off the mound on that slow roller…if the cat was fatass Garfield. 


9:02 PM

Drunk guy quieted down for awhile, just came back with two tall Heinekens…my ears should be bleeding in no time. 


9:05 PM

C’mon Robbie, gimme a blast…


9:08 PM

What a break…looked like he was out at second here in section 215 on the DP ball, 200 yards from second base.


9:10 PM

First and second for the almighty trio of Posada, Gardner and Dickerson.


9:12 PM

Posada, with a .299 OBP right now, has a chance to breach the Molina-Line if he comes through here.  


9:13 PM



9:18 PM

That pitch from Noesi was what I like to call “getting away with a belt high fastball because Corey Patterson is hitting.” Aaron Small once led the league in this type of pitch. 


 9:23 PM

The Yankees version of Three-Card Monte (the cap game) is just about the easiest I’ve ever seen…and I just lost. I’m ashamed of myself. 


9:28 PM

Somehow The Wave, which was surprisingly prevalent at the old stadium, just made its first appearance in my 25 games at the new park. I refuse to participate. 


9:42 PM

Should I leave now, or stay for Dickerson’s walkoff grand salami in the ninth?? 


9:44 PM

Credit @jdred311 (most clever thing he’s ever said): If/when Dickerson hits first home run with Yanks, Sterling’s call: “DICKERSON JACKED ONE!!!” 


9:53 PM

This is a PR move by Girardi…should be pinch-hitting Jones (who kills lefties)…Posada 0-fer-2011 against northpaws. 


10:04 PM

Getting in the car now…at least I can listen to Johnnie and Suze…and then, when I get irritated, the #OKC game.


Follow @SoapBxSprtsByte for more.

Jesse Golomb is the creator and writer of Soap Box Sports Byte. He currently works for Baseball Digest. If you enjoyed this article or want takes on the rest of the major leagues, the NFL and more, you can read the rest of his work on soapboxsportsbyte or follow  @SoapBxSprtsByte.

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