
New York Yankees: Power Ranking the 20 Greatest Pitchers in Team History

September 1, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

To date, 705 players have toed the rubber wearing the interlocking NY on their caps for the New York Yankees.

From Abbott to Zuber, every letter of the alphabet is included in this list of athletes—some that are memorable, others that we wish we could erase from our memories.

Yes, four players with a last name beginning with “Q” and two with last names beginning with “Z” have thrown a pitch for the Yankees, though none of them made this list.

Two letters that you will not see next to each other on this list?

“A” and “J”.

Now, narrowing the list down to 50 was hard enough.

But 20?

Incredibly difficult.

But a challenge that we at Bleacher Report are up to.

So grab your rosin bags, sandpaper and nail files—and get ready to bring the heat as we embark on a journey through Yankees lore.

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