
New York Yankees: Playing Overrated or Underrated with Current Bombers Stars

July 11, 2012   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Fans of the New York Yankees don’t like it when other fans and writers refer to one of the Bronx Bombers as being “overrated.”

To that end, they’re just like any other population of fans. The key difference is that Yankee fans have to put up with people calling their favorite players overrated a lot more often. It’s because people hate the Yankees, you see.

It’s also because, in some instances, it’s true. There are some overrated Yankees out there.

Oh, calm down, Yankees fans. If it makes you feel any better, there are some underrated Yankees too. There are also some Yankees who are rated perfectly.

The tricky part is figuring out which description best describes each Yankees star. It can be done, though. The only way to do it is the same way that Ash conquered the deadites in Army of Darkness: with science.

Which, in this situation, means using numbers.

Let’s give it a whirl.

Note: All stats are from Baseball-Reference.com unless otherwise noted. And please understand that we’re only going to be discussing “stars.” No Boone Logans or Dewayne Wises.

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