
New York Mets: Manager Jerry Manuel Calls Out Joe Torre

September 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

There was a lot going on yesterday with the New York Yankees.

They played the Tampa Bay Rays last night in a battle for first place in the American League East. Before the game, they honored George Steinbrenner with a massive plaque in monument park.

Part of the Steinbrenner celebration was the fact that the Yankees brought back Don Mattingly and Joe Torre to take part in the festivities. There has been a lot of animosity between Torre and the Yankees since Torre left, so this was a big deal.

During the afternoon, Torre and Mattingly were on the Mike Francesa show on WFAN. During the interview, Torre mentioned that he would be open to managing the New York Mets.

Apparently this didn’t sit well with the current Mets’ manager, Jerry Manuel.

In an interview with the New York Daily News, Manuel said, “I find it curious when someone comments about a job that someone already has. You question the integrity. That’s what comes to my mind.”

I couldn’t agree with Manuel more.

Listen, we all know that Manuel in all likelihood won’t be back with the Mets next season. Regardless of what may happen three weeks from now, the reality is that Manuel is the Mets’ manager now.

Saying that you would be interested in a job that someone currently has is very disrespectful.

Remember when Jennifer Lopez (yes, I am using Jennifer Lopez as a reference) came out with that song “Jenny from the block?” The song was basically about how no matter how much money she makes that would always be grounded and would never forget her Bronx roots.

That was obviously a bunch of nonsense as everyone knows Lopez is one of the more difficult people to deal with in the industry. She clearly has forgotten where she came from.

I feel Torre is in the same boat.

Torre was an absolute hack with the Mets, Atlanta Braves, and St. Louis Cardinals. He goes to the Yankees, gets handed a team full of stars, and all of a sudden he is a genius.

Anyone could have managed those Yankee teams in the 90s and early-2000s and won. Switch Torre and Don Zimmer (who was really the brains of that team), and Zimmer would be the most beloved figure in New York.

Torre thought he was the reason why the Yankees won and thought he was being “insulted” by the Yankees’ offer when his contract expired at the end of the 2007 season.

The Yankees were smart for not paying Torre what he wanted because as Joe Girardi has proven, anyone can be a winner managing the Yankees.

Since Torre left the Yankees, he and Tom Verducci wrote a ridiculous book that threw everyone under the bus, and now he is interested in a job that someone else has. Torre has gotten to the point where he believes that since he is “Joe Torre,” he can say and do whatever he wants.

Joe, just remember that talent wins in baseball. You should remember the days when you couldn’t win to save your life. Maybe then people will think you have integrity.

You can follow The Ghost of Moonlight Graham on Twitter @ theghostofmlg

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