
MLB Trade Rumors: Will The New York Yankees Gamble and Deal For Cliff Lee?

July 6, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

He’s currently the most coveted pitcher out on the trade market.

They are the best team in baseball trying to defend their championship.

The Yankees and Cliff Lee, seems like a trade everyone is expecting or debating about that could, might, or won’t happen.

But here is the big question: Will the Yankees pull the trigger and make a deal with the Mariners to get Lee?

As of right now, the Yankees don’t have room or a spot for another starter. CC Sabathia, A.J. Burnett, Andy Pettitte, Javier Vazquez, and Phil Hughes are all a combined 43-21 and are one of the league’s best rotations.

So where would Lee fit in?

Most would guess that if the Yankees do gamble and make the deal, they would then turn around and trade Vazquez to a team that could use a pitcher for their second half, probably even a National League team, if he weren’t included in a deal to Seattle for Lee.

Trading Vazquez now would be a lot easier considering he’s been pitching much better as of late. At one point, he was 1-4 with an ERA around 8.14. That was back in May.

Two months later, Vazquez is 7-7 with an ERA of 4.81, which is completely better and much improved. He’s also in the final year of his contract, so that also makes him more expendable to a contender looking to rent out a pitcher for two or three months.

Now, there are a ton of questions that fans have, like for instance, why would the Yankees trade for Lee now when they can wait until free agency?

It’s an excellent point and one I have touched on in past stories before. They have the Red Sox and Rays breathing down their neck in the A.L. East race and it will not get any easier trying to hold onto their grasp of the division.

At one point, Tampa looked like it would never lose. It seemed like it could overtake the division, but then got hit hard last month and were brought back down to Earth.

At one point, Boston looked all but out of it sitting in fourth place, then it came roaring back into second, but injuries have taken their toll on the Sox with a ton of their roster on the disabled list (Josh Beckett, Clay Buchholz, Victor Martinez, Jason Varitek, Mike Lowell, Dustin Pedroia).

But we know Boston can re-surge at anytime, plus have the prospects to make a deal for themselves, so never count them out of any race.

The possibility of the Red Sox and Rays both giving the Yankees fits in August and September could be enough to make them trade for Lee.

Also, if they do make the trade, they could end up just re-signing Lee at the end of the season anyway.

Most people expected the Yankees to go hard after Lee once the 2010 season ended and many feel that the Yankees will be the highest bidder for him. With an extra 15 days to negotiate with Lee to get a deal done, the Yankees could have a major advantage in locking him up long-term instead of him being a rental like other teams might see if they try to trade for him this month.

Now, another question that people ask, what type of package from the Yankees will it take to get Lee from Seattle?

The Mariners are looking to get a top-prospect catcher in return for Lee. The Yankees have two available.

They have Jesus Montero and Austin Romine in their minor league system and both are projected to be very good players if they ever reach the majors. Either one of those players would be the start to a trade for Lee, but do the Yankees want to trade either of them?

Maybe they could part with Montero, who the Yankees were willing to deal in the winter when Roy Halladay was on the trading block before being dealt to the Phillies.

The possibility of the Rays being interested in Lee might enhance the Yankees’ interest even more now than before. Rumors were swirling around that B.J. Upton might be part of a trade for Lee.

There is no word if Tampa really wants to deal Upton or not and Upton has made it clear through reporters that he doesn’t want to be traded away, so that could hold up things for Tampa.

Right now, teams are evaluating to see if they are buyers and sellers this season. The Mariners are definitely sellers and Lee is the top prize this summer.

The Yankees are definitely interested, even if they say they aren’t, they most certainly are. But so are others like the Mets, Twins, Rays, Tigers, Reds and Phillies. It all depends on who can put together the best package that will make Seattle part with Lee.

At 51-31 right now, the Yankees aren’t desperate for Lee’s services, but by the end of the month, they have to figure out if they will want his services for the second half and a playoff run.

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