
MLB Rumors: Yankees Becoming Less Optimistic for Andy Pettitte Return

January 17, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Via Wallace Matthews of ESPN New York:

“The New York Yankees’ optimism about the return of Andy Pettitte has waned somewhat over the past week, a team source told ESPNNewYork.com on Monday.”

‘Last week I thought the chances were 60-40. Now I think they’re 50-50 at best,” said the source, a team executive who spoke on the condition of anonymity.’

“Asked why he was less hopeful of a return by the 38-year-old Pettitte, the source said, ‘Another week has gone by with no contact as far as I know.'”

Here’s the thing, they might be less optimistic now, but nothing has changed since they were more optimistic. They’re just getting worried, but he still hasn’t retired.

I’ve said it a few times now, so much has been said about Pettitte coming back this offseason. The only fact that is out there is that he hasn’t made a decision one way or another. So until we hear from him, speculating does us no good.

It’s true that it does seem unlikely that he’ll return at this point, but if he knew that he wasn’t returning he would say so. Just like if he knew he was coming back he would say so as well.

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