
Mark Teixeira Changing His Approach in Hopes of a Turnaround

May 24, 2012   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

New York Yankees first baseman Mark Teixeira was dropped to seventh in the lineup by manager Joe Girardi after returning from a bronchial infection on Monday night, but he was back in the three-hole on Wednesday.

On the season, he’s hitting just .226 with five home runs and 21 RBI.

That’s not the production you like to see anywhere in the lineup, let alone third.

Thankfully, Teixeira is making a change.

Teixeira has been hampered by said bronchial infection, but he has also determined that a lack of aggressiveness at the plate can be attributed to his lack of success in 2012:

I’m putting too many balls in play instead of taking that swing to hit a home run and drive the ball. I’ve never been someone who just wants to put the ball in play. In years past, a 1-0 or a 2-0 pitch, it’s maybe a little bit up or a little bit down, you swing and you foul it off or you swing and miss. Now I’m putting that ball in play, which (stinks).

Teixeira has definitely been looking to make more contact this season than in previous years, mostly in an effort to improve upon his terrible .248 batting average from last season.

It seems as if Teixeira is really starting to get frustrated: “While last year 39 home runs but a low batting average wasn’t good enough, I think I’d rather hit 39 home runs than 20 or 15,” he said. I think I’d rather drive in 111 runs than 80. So I’m going to be more aggressive.”

Hopefully, an aggressive approach will be the change necessary for Teixeira to get back to his home run-hitting ways.

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