
Joe Buck Signs on to Do Broadcast of BP Oil Spill (Satire)

June 4, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Fox has made a surprise decision and allowed one of their biggest sportscasters, Joe Buck, to sign a deal with BP and broadcast their live feed of the oil spill.

Buck has been a broadcaster for several years and has brought life to television sets around the world when sports are on the air. Whether it is baseball or football or now even an oil spill, Joe Buck has got it covered.

A spokesperson for BP said, “We have millions of people watching our live feed of the Gulf Coast oil spill, but there is no sound or means of entertainment. Joe Buck brings that to the table and will be doing a play-by-play of the event. Hopefully this brings more viewers to the live feed and provides them with more entertainment and knowledge on the topic.” 

Joe Buck was introduced at a press conference where he was wearing a white shirt and a BP green jacket. He smiled and spoke kindly to reporters during his introduction.

Before Buck spoke, the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, announced that the company has signed Joe Buck to a $2,000 per day contract. This could be great money for Joe Buck if the spill lasts a while, but bad for the Gulf Coast and America. 

Buck said to reporters, “Fox has given me permission to take a leave of absence for a while and serve my country by providing everyday Americans with knowledge on the catastrophic event caused by this oil spill. I will return to my post at Fox when this is all over.”

Buck will be sitting at his very own office at BP’s headquarters and will give a live broadcast from the office. He put out a statement afterwards saying, “Viewers will enjoy the play-by-play, replay, live look-ins from other angles, and interviews with the people working to get things fixed. I assure you of all this.”

There has been no word yet on whether Joe Buck will be joined by his co-host Tim McCarver. BP has not offered McCarver a contract, but they have reached out to legend Bob Costas. Costas would do reports on other global issues and the impact of the spill in other places if he accepts the deal.

Al Roker will make several appearances talking about the weather and what it could mean to the oil spill. 

BP is not planning on spending too much money on this programming, as it will focus on getting things fixed. The live feed of the oil spill will be broadcast on cable television starting Monday, June 7. The show will be aired 24/7 with Costas, Buck, and Roker possibly rotating. 

Ask your local cable provider for listings of BP’s Oil Spill with Joe Buck.

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