
George Steinbrenner Dead: The Boss’ 25 Most Memorable Yankees Moments

July 13, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

It’s hard to sum up the history of arguably the most influential sports figure of the last 50 years, but we’ll give it a try.

It’s hard to believe that George Steinbrenner once thought he’d be a meek and hands-off owner.

Some would say he was a meddling micromanager that ultimately hurt himself more than he helped.

You can’t argue with the results. Steinbrenner returned a once-great franchise to glory and became a billionaire in the process.

He promised winning and delivered by demanding it of every member of the Yankees organization.

His passing today has us all reflecting on one of the wildest rides in the history of sports ownership.

Here are 25 of his more memorable moments as The Boss.

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