ESPN & Roger Clemens:Mitchell Report, Depo’s & Testimony Prove McNamee Lied, P2
August 8, 2009 · Patrick Read · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
Forcing a Legend Out of the Game
Washington DC
Maybe just a move by those wishing for a “fair & level playing field,” Roger Clemens’ free agency price took a major hit a year and a half ago after a farce report.
And thus, so did a league full of high-priced players otherwise known as, “workers.”
Note to all: socialism does not work, especially in baseball. People are naturally selfish, especially owners. But being selfish is not a mortal sin and not listed as one of the ten commandments. Instead it quite naturally creates competition which comes from it, quality.
Forget about “quantitative theory” (or utilitarian law) which seeks to place an average numeric value on a person, because people have too many varying qualities. This type ideology only seeks to justify a societal-means to an end. It also allows for slavery, or another owning the rigts of a “person.”
Consider the Milwaukee Brewer’s ownership, who took their baseball revenue shares (redistributed from the Yankees) and turned around investing it in their Car Dealership. But maybe that will help their team—somehow.
It’s almost like a politician who pays off his campaign-contributors with tax payer money (like the Auto Industry/Union) while taking away from an entire country full of tax payers. It is focused and intent on benefitting the very few wealthy and quite selfishly so.
Obviously, it’s not about their team-market and this proves that it is really about padding the other owner’s bank account.
Is it possible that those pushing for “a fair & level market” just want to redistribute the total amount of revenues into “poor-owner’s'” pockets instead of the poor workers who were supposed to Unite? I think so. Afterall, where was Donald Fehr–who’s job it is to represent the players–during this malay?
Selfish-owners, unless one plays for the Yankees, who actually pay their players their just worth according to that market.
Clemens ended up with a clean urine sample in 2003, even after McNamee told another that he “thought” Clemens would fail. So much for McNamee’s thought.
Now, on a day that David Ortiz all but dares federal agents to prove their case against his PED use, ESPN reporters are going out of their way to cover for a Big Lie by PaPee.
- I know—what goose—right, ESPN?
My nephew, age 9, called to ask me “what supplements & vitamins was Ortiz taking?” He made his youth league’s All Star team and wants to perform well. He is researching vitamins and supplements as I type.
Great job, ESPN. Come on David, get real.
Manny Ramirez even dared agents to “move his & Ortiz’s mountains” for the benefit of the league and society itself.
How can Ortiz test positive for “vitamins & supplements” during a mutually agreed “Steroid Testing Program” which was established to give a ratio of players using STEROIDS?
Why would federal investigators care about “vitamins & supplements” anyhow? Do they now represent the Hall of Fame and baseball? If so, when will the amphetamine-cheaters be invesitigated, because that list is a whole lot longer than the current one.
Still other agencies decry the 2003 test as “unreliable.” Is a test that only shows specific chemicals in one’s body, as unreliable as… Brian McNamee?
Clemens was forced out of the game via false accusations made by a drug-dealing rapist who broke the law and was trying to stay out of jail by achieving “a deal” with Federal Agent’s Novitzky (FDA) and Parella (Prosecutor):
A) in order to keep his job title,
B) to protect his money laundering program and
C) to maintain a relationship with his family (though now divorced).
And now ESPN reports that “maybe the test results were unreliable.” Unreliable, like say… Brian McNamee?
- Why did McNamee lie? Did he lie? Please, enjoy.
At what point did federal investigators decide to break from “the objective” (page 340, Mitchell Report) and “give a deal” to a drug dealer and self-professed liar, all in order to hunt down a player?
It wasn’t until after his first two interrogations, according to McNamee when recorded by one of Hardin’s private investigators, that he was offered immunity for drug-dealing and most likely (per his depo) his money laundering program.
At first, McNamee denied Clemens involvement. But he didn’t get a dealers’ deal until he accused Clemens. Why is that?
Page 14, Dr. Ron Taylor interview by Oversight Staff, Dr. Taylor testified:
Dr. Taylor: “A B-12 injection I would give. I’ve only given it twice in my career, and once was to Roger Clemens, as you know. It was on a home stand in Toronto on July 17 – 22, in that period. They haven’t got it documented in the report, as you know. It said it was 7 to 10 days before July 28, 1998.
Investigator: “Okay. Do you remember giving the shot?”
Dr. Taylor: “Yes, I do.”
Brian, now about that deal? Maybe you should just write a book about what the feds did to malign you.
B-12 or not to B-12, that is the question:
B-12 is a co-enzyme, a natural bacteria type bi-product of a normal diet which includes meat. A vegan (Roger) is one who does not eat, nor consume any animal bi-products (milk, cheese, eggs)—nor any animals whatsoever (fish included).
When Clemens was asked at his hearing “if he was a vegan” it was a weak attempt (by the Rep from Boston—go figure [probably a friend of Mitchells too]) of putting him on the spot. It was a political ploy of demonstrating the absurd by being absurd; an attempt to make Clemens look bad.
Clemens gave the best of all possible responses, answering, “A what?”
The Boston Rep looked like an asshole as he went onto describe what a vegan was in front of the whole nation. Thank you, Boston—fans like “the meat” of the issue though.
Maybe you should ask David Ortiz if he eats vegetables too.
In other words, Boston can’t stand Clemens because he got a ring before they did—it’s all about their jealousy. Their Envy. They should go to church and make confession for their unclean souls before going to Communion again.
B-12 is crucial for the body’s’ metabolism and provides every cell in the body with energy. Requesting B-12 is in line with Clemens going to Dr. Taylor and complaining of “fatigue.”
Contrary to what “hip Congressmen” try to infer there is no way of telling how a professional, multimillion dollar athlete’s body might respond to fighting stress.
Do they experience more physical and mental stress than the norm? They probably do.
Roger, your mother was right after all. She whipped ‘em and wasn’t even there in the physical.
Have you seen the new “energy drink” ads on ESPN lately, such as “5 Hour Energy?” Guess what the primary ingredient is: B-12.
Millions of people take B-12 everyday and aren’t laughed at for it. Hell, I’m drinking one right now and make no mistake about it—it is not winstrol!
Blue Jays Doctor Patrick Graham, said he never saw any evidence that Clemens was using steroids.
Dr. Graham further admitted to receiving B-12 and Lidocaine injections with Clemens, while working out with him.
As McNamee claims to have “not heard of Clemens taking B-12 until 60 Minutes”, he must have known it as a physical trainer for the Toronto Blue Jays, responsible for training their ace pitcher, Roger Clemens.
Protocol outlined by Dr. Ron Taylor demands he knew as a professional baseball trainer.
In his deposition, McNamee outs himself. He put himself with Craig as he was treating the injury caused by Dr. Ron Taylor, who is of course accredited and a REAL doctor. Again, the injection was in July. Not June.
McNamee said the Winstrol “botched injection” pooled because he pushed it too hard. If it did pool, per Doctor Murphy, an abscess “would have resulted.”
Victor Conte said, “McNamee’s statement was ‘inaccurate.’ Winstrol is never ‘pushed too hard’, it is a thin liquid. You start to inject it, and then bam. It’s in.”
McNamee states the abscess as being in July and that “Tommy Craig knew.” Craig then swore that the only injection-injury that he knows about was relative Dr Taylor’s B-12 injection.
The MRI shows no scar, no mark of an abscess, no developing abscess, or anything resembling an abscess, or a recently healed abscess.
MRI’s are mechanical, and don’t lie about missing abscesses. MRI’s show everything, good, bad and ugly; and they don’t succumb to any pressure to report otherwise.
An abscess starts off as an infection underneath the skin ands swells. It would cause great discomfort until treated.
They develop below the skin (NOT on the top layer—Like a “contusion”) and with time it’d become bright red, to a head. They are professionally drained by trainers all the time and sometimes surgically.
More importantly, the tissue where the injection took place becomes exposed to infection as does the muscle.
An abscess would take months (sometimes years) to recover from; start to finish. It would take at least two weeks to develop (most likely longer)—and only IF TREATED—would take another two months to completely recover.
The fluid that was drained would have also consisted of “Winstrol,” thus making a huge, “egg-sized abscess“ bound to cause a serious injury, per Conte.
Consider Mickey Mantle’s abscess which caused him to drop out of the 1961 Home Run Race spectacular. An abscess caused from a “botched injection” forced The Mick to put down the bat for two months through season’s end with no further play. At all.
Roger Clemens never even missed one game, let alone even lose one. And as Conte said, if he suffered an abscess from an injection he would have had an “egg sized” hole in his body.
McNamee’s alleges that Roger learned to use “a small band-aid to cover the abscess, and stop the bleeding.” That would be like plugging a hole in a damn wall with chewing gum.
McNamee also said, “I would rather be known a liar than a drug dealer.” In the long run McNamee will get his wish.
Go to page 2….
Would a local shot of lidocaine help an ailing back?
Dr. Littner, of the Houston Astros, says it would provide relief for up to four hours. Clemens did have chronic back pain, hence the chiropractor.
Yankee’s Gene Moynahan, who was told he would go to jail of he lied, said that Clemens did get a shots for pain and recalled one prior to a game. Moynahan further testified that the Yankees allow for B-12 injections and don’t even record it. Why would they, after all B-12 is a vitamin.
Two more Doctors and more trainers all warned with jail time for lying, support Clemens testimony.
Recently the Team USA manager was quoted as saying, “Clemens took three shots in the elbow and some in the shoulder just last year.” Pain killers are common place.
Time and time again we read in doctor interviews how they pampered Roger Clemens because of who he was, their ace.
Are we expected to believe that they cared so much about Clemens that they missed an abscess site, which is something that Shanahan testified to as having “natural causes?”
A Little Background on McNamee.
Per Roger, McNamee told Clemens he should be going to him for B-12 injections. McNamee said, “It is what I do,” and Clemens DID think McNamee was a doctor, so why not?
All medical personnel interviewed stated that various teams do not debrief the players on who is approved to treat the players with vitamin injections.
McNamee also owned a failed business venture, InVite Health which is a vitamin supply company—primarily web based (the new crime wave).
He said that he used to “pay Radomski for steroids and amphetamines by giving him vitamins.” Yes, vitamins. It must have been one helluva lot of vitamins that Radomski was using because McNamee received several thousand dollars worth of illegal drugs in return.
This is the “program” that McNamee said Clemens was “with”—a money laundering scheme. But apparently Roger wasn’t with the program at all.
InVite Health is the company that Clemens told McNamee NOT to use his picture for in its advertising. A huge argument developed as result and is the reason McNamee said he was going to sue Clemens as early as 2001.
He also stated in his deposition, that the he and Radomski (who was also dealing GHB with Pete Rose Jr—the date rape drug used by Mcnamee to rape a girl in Tampa) used to “take care of one another.”
I hope that includes revenue sharing from Radomski’s book—the one Mitchell promised us wouldn’t happen saying that no one involved would make “financial gain.”
Experience is the best teacher.
How did McNamee attain any experience in injecting patients anyhow? How would he know, for example, that steroid pills were toxic?
Where did he learn that type information in 1998?
He was hired in 1996 by the Jays after getting fired by Joe Torre–who never saw any reason to suspect Clemens either. Joe believes Clemens over McNamee.
Maybe McNamee learned it from his days that he was employed with the NYPD, in 1993.
Five days after the Mitchell Report was released, THIRTY NYPD Cops were busted for illegal use of steroids. “Five days after the Mitchell Report came out” seems a little too coincidental.
The drug ring included SIXTY employees in all, six cops were dealing and use goes all the way to the top; including McNamee’s former chief.
Attempts by ESPN to obtain McNamee’s personnel file through the execution of a FOIA was not successful. Apparently the Police Department is not public. They stated that McNamee was placed on suspension during his employment which ended in 1993 (the year he left).
Whose name is also in the news breaking article other than The Gambino Crime Family—just great, huh?
They strong-armed a pharmacist named Rossi into supplying HGH and steroids. Later, Rossi committed suicide in Jan. 2008 with only a one sentence letter left for his wife by a bottle of alcohol and some pills.
It read “I love you, I am sorry.” 35 years of marriage and he left a one sentence note?
The NYPD closed the investigation, citing there was a “suicide letter.”
The Others.
Radomski “confirmed” that he and McNamee were being honest about Clemens and supplied checks written by McNamee and cashed by Radomski in 2004 and 2005.
There is only one problem though. Clemens is NOT accused of using in 2004 and 2005.
In his deposition McNamee claims that he gave Canseco Androl-50 pills (in June) and again provides detail that Canseco popped a couple in his mouth. Canseco says no MLB player would ever take Androl, it is too dangerous.
But then McNamee says in his depo that he gave Canseco the Winstrol (in September).
Jose says that McNamee is lying about everything and he has admitted to his own use; on top of supplying many other players with performance enhancers.
Mitchell said in the Report that his staff had talked to Canseco. Canseco in his affidavit says no one investigating for the Mitchell Report ever contacted him.
McNamee supplied Pettitte with HGH in 2003 that he attained from his family doctor. Not from Radomsky.
2003 is also the year that Radomsky–who Brian swore under oath took good care of him–sent HGH to McNamee in Texas. Afterwards, he pushed his drugs on Debbie. That is one elaborate set-up, I guess it good that McNamee had someone to “take good care of him.”
Jason Grimsley, who’s proven use initiated the case against BALCO (the start of it all), swore under oath that McNamee was NOT a HGH or steroid dealer, but an amphetamine supplier.
The LA Times printed a retraction after falsely naming Clemens in connection with Grimsley. I wonder, will the government do the same? Balco Judge Susan Ilston even questions the government’s own “motives and tactics,” so it appears that I am not alone.
Grimsley knew this information about McNamee as result of his own exposure to McNamee when with the Yankees in 2001–the same exact time McNamee claims to have been a steroid/HGH supplier.
Should we now look at all of the amphetamine-cheaters in the Hall of Fame too?
The information which disclosed McNamee’s supplier as a “Family Doctor”–NOT Radomski–came out in Pettitte’s deposition, who on page 21 admitted about his recollection relative to Clemens mentioning HGH to him in 1998 or 1999.
Andy Pettitte said that he was only “SPECULATING” about a passing remark which was made 10 years ago, and “hated to do that.” He also said in his deposition that he “misunderstood Clemens.”
Andy did not testify in order to protect his ailing father which took his own display of great moral courage.
But, why wouldn’t McNamee just have gotten the PEDs for Pettitte in 2003, from the same place he swore to getting them for Roger prior to 2003?
What’s more is, if Andy and Roger were such great-friends; who worked out all the time, traveled, took family vacations etc; then why didn’t they talk more than once over six years about PEDs?
Clemens is anti-drug.
His testimony about his family, his sister being brutally murdered because of drugs, and his mother pulling his brother from college clearly suggests Clemens is anti-drug. I don’t think Clemens has ever taken an acting lesson in order to fake emotions that well.
This claim was made further evident by the way he “lit into McNamee” for pushing the drugs on his family, of which Debbie told Roger later that night.
McNamee did not contest this account before Congress. Nor did he contest how he came to inject Debbie—he pushed it on her—like a drug dealer would.
Clemens immediately went through McNamee’s luggage and yelled at McNamee. Again, it went uncontested in front of Congress.
If Roger was anti-drug it would certainly explain why Pettitte never approached him or tried to clear things up when confused—especially if it were 2005 and Pettitte had already used in 2003; regardless of passing-fancies in 1999.
One clever Representative said, “well Mr. Clemens, how could you have been talking about your wife’s use to Andy Pettitte in 1999; when your wife didn’t use until 2003?”
Sneaky, huh? He left something out, though.
When asked in “2005,” about what he would say if asked about HGH, Clemens likely thought back to his last exposure to it—which was in 2003 regarding his wife, for which he yelled at McNamee.
The Ol Cummings Move. How long did that one take to come up with and why is he so apt to believe a drug-dealing rapist? I know your constituency and will ask them personally.
Go to the last page, 3…
Dr. McNamee, Hotel Room, Stat.
Pettitte did not go to his best friend in 2003, for what ever reason. Instead he went to McNamee, who told him “[HGH] helps the tissue repair itself,” and then injected Andy “up in his hotel room.”
Andy didn’t feel right so he quit and rightly so. The fact that McNamee had to go to his doctor to get the “stuff” for Andy should have sent up a red flag, that McNamee was NOT a doctor.
Maybe McNamee was staying at a Holiday Inn Express though.
About names being held private, see the Hearst Corp., who filed a grievance against the Feds for NOT releasing the names to them when formally requested, but then turned around and gave those names to Mitchell with nary a request filed at all.
Right now, McNamee is training a pitcher (great idea kid; you should run away—not walk) from Long Island, trying to make it in the Independent League.
George Mitchell apparently missed this “financial benefit.” Do you still believe that Mitchell did a good job?
Georgie Porgie, Puddin and Pie, why in the heck did you let McNamee LIE?
There are major misses that were overlooked regarding the Mitchell Report!
Luis Perez (catcher) had a list of names, complete with drug of choice, from the Florida Marlins, but Kevin Hallinan (Chief Of MLB Security) was told not to investigate the Marlins by George Mitchell.
Perez had 20 more big names for the Mitchell Report, and Hallinan declared “it was the biggest find of all. Virtually all of the 98-03 Marlins were using.” Red Sox Ace Josh Beckett and World Series MVP, Mike Lowell, both played for the Marlins during this time.
Guess who was their legal consultant? Oh man, you guessed it—George Mitchell. Guess who owned the Marlins back then? Wow—current owner of the Boston Red Sox, John W Henry.
Mitchell has “consulted” the Red Sox since 2002, after serving and leaving the Board of Directors of the Florida Marlins in 2001 and seemingly following the ex-owner of the Marlins, John Henry, to Boston.
Paxton Crawford, Boston Red Sox Pitcher in 2001, admitted that he was “using PEDs with six other players,” and they were “laughing about it in the locker room.”
Crawford was not asked to name the six players with the Red Sox that he was using with. Later, the Red Sox won the World Series after 86 years, only three years after Paxton and his six and Perez and his 20 (Beckett/Lowell).
There are reports that show Mitchell “missed” a lot while investigating as a Senator as well, but how “truthful” is this report?
If McNamee is telling the truth, then about ten doctors (all of whom gave a Hippocratic Oath to not harm patients) including one chiropractor, trainers and otherwise citizens subject to jail for lying, are all lying.
The MRI is lying too, and quite miraculously!
OR could it be that McNamee was telling the truth in his interview with Rusty Hardin’s private investigators; that he was just saying what he was being told to say in order to avoid jail time, maintain a relationship with his wife (who left him anyhow), be involved with his family, be there for his son in need, and retain a future in physical training?
Come on, how would McNamee be able to launder money if he was in jail?
Stinger: “It is what it is”
McNamee is just playing a game, like he was when he called Clemens and was taped.
He told Congress he “knew he was being taped by Clemens in December 2007.”
And 17 times he tried to get Clemens to implicate himself.
McNamee apologized, and said again and again, “What do you want me to do? Tell me what to do. I will do anything, even go to jail.” If Clemens would have told him “what to do,” that he lied and needs to recant, and then Clemens would have tampered with a federal witness, which is punishable by law.
Securing tampering charges is not something one would do to a friend, especially when they contend to only “trying NOT to hurt a friend” and thus justifying or making an excuse for lying.
He knew he was being taped is pretty strange, isn’t it? Clemens might have tipped him off a little when he said, “I’m at the office and don’t know who is listening to us;” but you can hear McNamee’s voice change when he realizes that he might be being recorded.
Being taped by someone and having Barb overhear your conversation in the office are totally different things. McNamee said he knew he was being recorded—which tells something of a suspicious man. He projected his means of to an end, probably picked up from the days of being a cop.
This “set up attempt by McNamee” is precisely what a disgruntled, ex-employee who was fired two months before being interrogated might do, if he were a former undercover detective. One said of keeping manufactured evidence and one admitting that he was “going to bring Roger down” as early as 2001 and then bringing it up again in 2003 to Clemen’s friend, per Andy’s deposition. Does that sound like a nasty grudge to you or what?
McNamee is one who is an “ex-super cop” with high arrest numbers, and used to getting criminals through implication while acting as an undercover cop. McNamee actually said, “I’m in your corner. I’d also like not to go to jail, too.” He didn’t want to go to jail.
Sound like motive enough to lie?
At the beginning of the tape McNamee said “…this (illness) is real man, everything else (the allegation) is a joke.”
Maybe it is a joke, but if “it” is what “it” is, then take it for what it is, from a New Yorker. “It” may be what McNamee says “it” is….”a joke.”
In a recent Sports Illustrated article, McNamee watched Clemens on 60 Minutes, and reacted: “His mood darkens, however, when Wallace asks Clemens, “What did McNamee gain by lying?” “Evidently not going to jail,” the pitcher replies. “Jail time for what?” Wallace asks. “Well, I think he’s been buying and movin’ steroids.”
“I’d rather be called a liar than a drug pusher,” McNamee says, his voice rising.
There is that pesky motive thing again, “I would rather be known a liar, than a dealer.”
A trainer’s trust worthiness is extremely important to athletes, who trust them with their bodies and careers.
McNamee said he would rather be know a liar than a drug dealer, so clearly it is either one or the other. He told Congress he was not a drug dealer, so I guess that leaves McNamee a liar.
Defamation worth.
Before McNamee’s defamation, of which he may have to indemnify, Rocket’s last contract was signed with the NY Yankees for $28 million, and $22 dollars. That is $28,000,022 per year, ending in 22, which is his Yankee Jersey number, 22.
That is $549,020 per hour; which has got to hurt in arbitration cases between pitchers and other owners.
It makes for a pretty high “pay-ceiling” (with no floor) for which all professional entertainers or athletes should be thankful.
Imagine the tax revenue. Imagine the tax revenue of the man who pays that salary.
Think of who hired Bud Selig who commissioned the Ex-Senate Majority Leader and Red Sox Legal Consultant, George Mitchell. Numbers matter.
McNamee lied about the abscess. He lied about locations. He lied about dates. He lied about frequency of use. He lied about details meant to support his lies. He lied about his program too.
What else is he lying about?
For now, McNamee’s’ strategy to fight the defamation, on the wise advice of Emery, is to TOTALLY DEFAME thus decreasing the monetary amount ($28,000,022 per year) that McNamee would be held liable.
It comes down to actual proof-proof. Not syringes kept in a disgruntled employees home for seven years and certainly not when that employee threatened to sue his employer for “not being with the program” (InVite Health).
How do you prove a negative, indeed? By definition, if you did not do something, then there would be no evidence or proof either way.
The only evidence are the numbers and Clemens’ 24 years worth of clean urine.
Clemens is not accused of using in 1997 and he won the Triple Crown of Pitching passing his urine tests.
Roger was obviously clean in 2003—per recent reports—when “the old man” had 19 wins and seven losses.
He was not accused in 2004 when a 2.98 ERA with 18 wins and four losses.
He is also not accused of using in 2005 when he won his last Cy Young with a 1.87 ERA.
