
Dustin Johnson and the 10 Worst Big-Stage Screw-Ups of the Last 20 Years

August 16, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Dustin Johnson endured one of the worst Sunday screw-ups in recent golf history when he grounded his club on the final hole of the 2010 PGA Championship. 

Johnson’s mistake conjured up memories of other memorable meltdowns on the links, but is Johnson’s screw-up among the 10 worst of the last two decades?

There are both individual and team failures that have altered championships and other big-stage moments.

But does Johnson’s misstep rank among the worst? Here is a look at the 10 biggest big-stage screw-ups of the last two decades.

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  1. Max on July 31st, 2014 6:20 am



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