
Derek Jeter and the 15 Most Precipitous Declines in Baseball

May 17, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

In 1951, three-time MVP and future Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio had the worst year of his career. He knew he was done and he retired gracefully as one of the greatest players of all time.

Not all legends can tell when it is time to hang up the cleats, though. Some do their best Brett Favre impression and hang on until it starts to affect their legacy.

Some would argue that is what is happening to Derek Jeter. Others would say he is just going through a bit of a slump and will bounce back. Whatever the case, there is no doubt that Jeter is struggling.

On this list, we look at fifteen players who are still taking their cuts in the Major Leagues but whose numbers and production have fallen away sharply in the last few years. Some are fading stars who are nearing their retirement, others are younger players who are struggling to recapture the brilliant starts they made to their careers.

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