
Anything To Be Gained From The Dallas Braden/A-Rod Tiff? Not Likely

April 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Apparently, the Yankees’ Alex Rodriguez and the Athletics’ Dallas Braden got into some sort of argument yesterday when Rodriguez cut across the pitcher’s mound to get back to first base when Robinson Cano hit a foul ball…

You know what? I can’t even finish describing the situation, it’s so boring.

Look, I understand that A-Rod sort of finds himself in these situations frequently. I get that there’s some nice juxtaposition between a guy who’ll likely hit 700 home runs and is making 33 million dollars this season and a guy who’s played 65 career games who’s making $420,000.

But somehow, what occurred in between pitches in an game played the third week in April between two teams with relatively little history with each other has turned into a news story? Really? This is the best we have to talk about? There’s the NFL draft, the NBA and NHL playoffs and every week some pitcher’s carrying a no-hitter into the 7th inning, and we’re talking about the path a guy takes from first to third?

Ok, so there’s some unwritten rule in baseball about crossing the pitcher’s mound that A-Rod apparently violated. I guess I buy that. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something like that.

Let me reiterate before I’m accused of being a Yankee homer: If you believe in the unwritten rules of baseball–and I’m sure many of you who read this will be–Rodriguez was in the wrong.

And maybe I’m in the minority here, but no matter how hard Kevin Costner’s movie career tries to make me care, I couldn’t be less interested in the mythical qualities of baseball, especially on April 22.

Would I care if it were Game 7 of World Series? Slightly more, but what’s slightly more than not at all?

I suppose the mere presence of this article is hypocritical in nature, but one of the things that’s prevented me from becoming a bigger sports fan has been the way the media–especially in baseball–overhype everything. And while I understand that, with a 162-game schedule, you have to write something every day, I just don’t understand some of the things the media focuses on.

It’s not like the Yankees turned a triple play in that game or anything…

But, I’m willing to be convinced I’m wrong if you’re inclined to argue otherwise.

Now, back to the Red Wings-Coyotes game.


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