
Alex Rodriguez Could Interrupt World Series Yet Again

November 3, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

The most recent interruption that had the media criticizing a single man was rapper Kanye West’s during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.

The most recent interruption that had the media criticizing a single man in baseball was when Alex Rodriguez had a Kanye-like moment in the 2007 World Series. That year, he decided to announce to the world that he would be opting out of his contract with the New York Yankees to pursue a more luxurious one. 

West said that Beyonce had one of the best music videos ever at the VMAs. Rodriguez was probably looking for a contract that would pay him more.

These two statements make absolutely no sense.

Has West ever seen Michael Jackson’s Thriller video? Who does Rodriguez think has more money than the New York Yankees to spend on one player?

These two knuckleheads made these stupid decisions without thinking.

As John Sterling says when Alex Rodriguez comes up to the plate, “Here comes A-Rod!” (Or “Here comes A-Rod…again.”) Rodriguez has decided to interrupt the World Series yet again. This time it has nothing to do with money or contracts. 

Unless you want to talk about the size of the rock that Rodriguez is putting on Kate Hudson’s finger.

That’s right, Alex Rodriguez is planning on tying the knot again. It has been reported that he will propose to Hudson if the Yankees win after Game 6 or before a possible Game 7. 

Before Game 5 of the World Series, Rodriguez asked Kurt Russell for Kate’s hand in marriage. Scott Boras was at the meeting to make sure he gets his cut of the deal. Russell agreed to let Alex Rodriguez marry Hudson on several conditions. Rodriguez would have to hit an extra base-hit for Russell during Game 5. The second condition was that Alex Rodriguez would have to star in one of his movies in the next five years. 

The Yankees third-baseman was able to hit the double late in Game 5, but the Yankees still lost. He did win Hudson’s hand in marriage. 

It is unclear if the New York Yankees will host the wedding at Yankee Stadium. Rodriguez has made it clear that if Kate Hudson does accept his proposal, he will name his cousin, Yuri Sucart, his best man. This has already started a debate on whether that position should be held by Derek Jeter.

Jeter has been at Rodriguez’s side most days of the year. The choosing of Sucart could also cause the wedding to be moved somewhere other than Yankee Stadium.

Rodriguez has also announced that he would like to walk up the aisle instead of Hudson. He was planning on having his walk-up song play as he approaches his wife-to-be and a minister.

Michael Kay would be announcer at the wedding. That doesn’t mean John Sterling will not be part of the festivities. He will say “Ballgame over! Yankees Win! THHHEEE YANKEES WIN!” 

It’s going to be interesting to observe how the next few days go for Rodriguez. Yankees fans are hoping that he doesn’t strike out in this situation. Most fans including myself are awaiting the debut of Alex Rodriguez on the big screen (the Yankee Stadium jumbo-tron does not count as the big screen.) 

If you are a Yankee fan and don’t want to miss a moment of the possible Rodriguez-Hudson wedding, do not fear. The YES Network will be broadcasting the wedding live on television. 

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