
A Wake-Up Call to Sports Team Haters

September 30, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Throughout this year and years past I have, as a Yankee fan, been subject to a ton of misguided hatred towards my favorite baseball team. This usually makes me angry and argumentative. I have written countless comments in defense of the Yankees, ex-Yankee players, and Yankee ownership.

The thing that really makes me sick however, is when people attribute any illegal indiscretion with a team or as something that is to be expected from a team. 

Team haters are everywhere. They come in all sizes and shapes and have been around for years. Lately though, there are an abundance of team haters out there that are going overboard. I, as a Yankee fan, hate the Red Sox. As a Red Sox hater I thoroughly and proudly root against them, however I draw the line at that. 

I don’t revel in the fact that Big Papi was associated with steroids or that Manny has been tied to steroids. I don’t shout and point and call the Boston championships a fraud. They are as real as any other championship. It is disgusting when a fan gets excited about an opposing team’s star being arrested or testing positive for drugs. 

I read and article today celebrating the fact that Chuck Knoblauch was arrested for spousal abuse and drugs. The article stated that Knoblauch did these things because he had been a Yankee. Disgusting!  How dare a person trivialize these things to a point of Yankee bashing?

If you hate a team, thats fine, but do it right: boo when they win, cheer when they lose, cite stats and team wins and losses when arguing with other teams fans. Don’t call the team criminals because they once employed a person that committed crimes later.

So in closing I say, “Wake up all you team haters!” if you are going to hate, do it right. Educate yourself and don’t take cheapshots.  Be a graceful winner and don’t stoop to a level that is beneath you and cheapens what it means to be a fan.

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