
A-Rod: The Most Important Thing About the New Book

April 30, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Well, it has begun—the fallout from Selena Roberts’s tell-all book about Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez.

Some of the information is stuff that many of us may have suspected. The thing is, everything in Roberts’ Sports Illustrated article was true, which makes it hard to doubt the veracity of her new book, A-Rod.

So what now?

The most important thing that happens from here on out could very well be how the fans respond.

We saw fans in the San Francisco Bay area turn a blind eye to Barry Bonds’s steroid allegations (even if fans from 29 other franchises didn’t). We’ve also seen Yankee fans come out in support of Andy Pettitte and Jason Giambi, who admitted to performance-enhancing drug use.

A-Rod has admitted to some ‘roid use, but unlike Pettitte and Giambi, he has yet to fall into that “forgiven” category, for whatever reason.

What will happen, then, when Roberts’s book hits the stand? Do the fans embrace A-Rod, try to protect him and more or less pretend the Roberts book doesn’t exist?

Do they boo A-Rod every time he comes up to the plate and make sure he knows he’s unwelcome in New York just the second year into his 10-year deal?

He’s already one of the most polarizing players on the Yankees for his perceived aloofness and his inability to get the clutch hit.

I am not his biggest fan, but this comes from the *head, meet desk* thing that goes on when he does another stupid off-field thing that only seems to distract him on it.

I respect his immense baseball talent. I mean, do you really want Cody Ransom playing third base for an entire season? Even Ramiro Peña, who is not quite the automatic out that Ransom is, shortens the line up by a lot.

The Yankees seemed to survive the Torre fiasco, although whether or not Torre himself would survive a return to the Bronx is another matter. He would have been welcomed as a hero had he returned before the book came out.

Heh, remember when that was the big, bad story of the preseason?

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