A-Rod, Selena Roberts Going Down In Flames Together
May 5, 2009 · Alex Akita · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
Alex Rodriguez has spent the past year entering Barry Bonds territory. The kind of tragic ending to a superhero story that nobody can rebound from. No matter what A-Rod does from this point forward, his legacy will be carved as a liar, a cheat, a steroid user, and a pompous jerk.
Selena Roberts has spent the past year chronicling Rodriguez’s every waking moment. The Sports Illustrated journalist first broke the story of A-Rod’s past steroid use, forcing the All-Star third baseman to admit to the world that he had, in fact, used performance-enhancing drugs at one point in time.
As if that weren’t enough, Roberts has been determined to bring the Yankee slugger down farther—despite the fact that everyone already hates him—by writing a book detailing all his transgressions over the past 15 years.
At this point, Rodriguez can do no more wrong. He’s already loathed by nearly every baseball fan in America, and even his hometown team’s fans will be hard-pressed to cheer for him when he returns from injury. You could break news of A-Rod’s involvement in a dog fighting ring, and few people would be surprised by now.
Roberts, on the other hand, has virtually everything to lose by continually pressing this issue. In the past month, since news of her impending book broke, the world has simply gotten sick of her song and dance surrounding A-Rod.
Roberts is an accomplished journalist who has made a name for herself at SI, but this persistence regarding Rodriguez and every detail of his untold life reeks of absolute desperation, as if Roberts is pleading with the world to keep paying attention to this story.
Selena Roberts shouldn’t have to rely on America’s anti-hero to make a name for herself. Anyone who has read her work prior to this knows that she is a fantastic journalist who need not latch onto the tailcoats of a dying storyline and keep milking it for all it’s worth.
Alex Rodriguez is not worth this much time and effort, and no longer resonates with baseball fans the way he first did when the steroid allegations surfaced.
Selena Roberts needs to understand this and move on with her life, or risk putting herself in the same sinking ship that A-Rod is going down in.