
A-Rod Is Pressing for 600

July 29, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

There is no denying the fact that Alex Rodriguez is having a bit of an off-year.

Entering July, his batting average and slugging percentage have dropped and he hasn’t been quite as patient at the plate. In July, he started turning things around, at least power-wise, by cracking five homers in the first 17 games of the month. His average and patience hadn’t totally returned, but it was a start.

Then he hit home run No. 599.

Since that time, just six games, A-Rod has gone cold. In that span, he has a decent batting average of .280. However, with just one walk, his OBP is a lowly .333 and his slugging percentage is almost non-existent (in A-Rod’s terms) at .360.

A-Rod says he’s happy with his approach at the plate , but when he’s not walking and not picking up many extra base hits, you know things are going wrong.

No need to sound any alarms here.

A-Rod will eventually come out of this funk, which has only been six games so far anyways. Hopefully he does it sooner than later though. You do get the feeling that he’s going to need to hit No. 600 to turn it around though.

So here’s hoping that he hits 600 tonight just so we can get this over with already and get back to the same old A-Rod.

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