
Alex Rodriguez Is Still a Cheater: Why All the 600th Home Run Talk?

July 28, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

It seems like every time you put on ESPN or browse any sports site, you at least hear or see something about Alex Rodriguez and his pursuit of his 600th home run. 

I understand hitting 600 home runs is a huge milestone, but it would have a lot more credibility if the man who was pursuing it wasn’t already a confessed steroid user, and therefore a cheater in my book. 

A-Rod confessed to using a banned substance from 2001-2003. During those years, he hit a combined 156 home runs. To me, those home runs can be taken away, since they were not earned fairly. 

If you take away 156 form 599, you get 443, a much more modest number, which would have been if given the fact he would hit some home runs during those years. 

Out of all the players playing baseball right now, A-Rod has the best chance to surpass Barry Bonds’ record of 762 home runs, a record that I, personally, don’t hold as the all-time home run record because of Bonds’ steroid use throughout his career. 

But then I ask again, “So what?” 

You could see the same exact fan reaction to A-Rod’s home run record chase, if he does get close, as we saw with Bonds. 

Most of the fans wanted Bonds’ record to be dismissed and given back to Hank Aaron. MLB hasn’t done any of that, and Bonds’ record still stands, but many of those people still hold Aaron’s 755 as the “true” home run record. 

There seem to be two camps when it comes to A-Rod. 

One side loves him and thinks he’s a great ballplayer, and the other side thinks he’s a selfish, arrogant ballplayer. 

So if A-Rod does give Bonds’ record a run for its money, where will the fans stand on it?

Will they take it as a legitimate record, even though he confessed to PED use? Or will they reject it, like they did with Bonds? 

No matter what the case might be, A-Rod is still a cheater, and will always be, in my head. 

I’ll start caring about home run milestones when we get a player who has earned it fairly. 

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readers comments
  1. Javier on July 30th, 2014 7:40 pm



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