Podcast: New York Yankees Outfielder Greg Golson on Spring Training
February 12, 2010 · Robert Rees · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
Used with permission from “The Sports Piece ” presented by Global Data Finder.
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Spring Training is right around the corner! We got the defending World Champions New York Mets First Base Coach Razor Shines on the program at the same time as cross town New York Yankees outfielder Greg Golson.
We first talked to Greg about going into his first experience at Spring training with the Yankees.
The part was talking with Coach Shines about what they look to do at Spring Training, about the new additions on the Mets, that Johan Santana will be the opening day pitcher. (Unfortunately, the audio was corrupted so this part was taken out.)
We talked to Greg about what he was concentrating on in order to make the 25-man roster, what he does in the off-season to maintain and also talked to him about getting a World Series ring with the Phillies while still early in his career.
Then we asked Coach Shines what he recommends to his players for the offseason, what he does himself and what training in the humidity of Florida is like.
We then talked to them about what teams or players they are concerned with in their respective leagues. We particularly asked Coach Shines about their division rival the Atlanta Braves.
Pointing out that the fences are being lowered at Shea Stadium we asked him what we can expect from the Mets lineup this year. The asked Greg what his hitting goals are considering he’s now in the new Home Run park of Yankee Stadium.
Coach Shines then talked about the Mets defense and what they are doing to improve.
Coach Razor Shines has been in New York for a while and we asked him to explain to the newcomer Greg Golson what the New York media is like. At first he just started laughing, then told us to give Greg his number off air so he can help him through it. He then went on to assess Greg as a player and gave him some very nice compliments.
We then asked each of them what their best major league moment was.
Foss & Rees thanked them for coming on the show then we shared our analysis of the interview and also wished luck to the US in the Winter Olympics!
Thanks to Coach Razor Shines of the New York Mets and Outfielder Greg Golson of the New York Yankees for coming on the show with us & good luck to them as they get into spring training.
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