My A-Rod Post
May 2, 2009 · Colin Coulahan · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
OK, so obviously, baseball fans by now have heard that Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees has done steroids. He said that he did them during his time with the Texas Rangers, when he won an MVP award. Oh wait….
The reputation of Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez takes a fresh battering in an upcoming book that claims the slugger possibly used steroids at school and into his Yankees career.
The claims come in the book “A-Rod,” by Sports Illustrated journalist Selena Roberts, due to be published by HarperCollins on May 12, The New York Daily News reported.
You can read the AP story here. The story goes on to say that Jose Canseco and his high school coach knew A-Rod was juicing.
Look, at this point, who cares? He has already ruined his career. It’s ruined. He can kiss away the Hall of Fame. He cannot be credited as the greatest player of all time because WE DON’T KNOW IF HE IS CLEAN.
And of course all of the Yankee fans are saying that Selena Roberts should be arrested for “stalking” Rodriguez.
Why? Because she was doing her job as an investigative reporter?
At this point, Alex has said nothing about this, but I will definitely be paying close attention to this. But I did want to get my two cents in really quick.
He should be gone from the game. Just like that. Done. How does that not make sense to anyone?
Pete Rose bet on games and he got banned. But Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Miguel Tejada and everyone else hasn’t been given the same. I don’t understand it.
Not only did they break the rules but the law. The law!
Bud Selig has got to do something about this quickly, otherwise everyone is going to walk away.